Friday, May 31, 2013

The day after the pub quiz at Tin Pan Alley

Bonfires on the beach

I spy with my little eye something begginning with S - scooter scooters everywhere

Don't drink and drive

 I had such a long day today I can’t believe it. I couldn’t sleep before my morning class. I had bloody lady gaga “telephone song” stuck in my head for hours I lay there tossing and turning to “stop calling, stop calling stop calling, I don’t want to talk any more” I had to wake up at 8 and I was still awake at 4.00am. Not to mention I woke up repeatedly in my meagre sleep. I can only blame myself I suppose for drinking all those free refill green teas at the Tin Pan pub quiz, which it is worthy to note we came second in. It’s on a Thursday night at one of the foreigner hangouts in Tainan. The food is pretty awesome, stonebaked pizza’s and deli sandwiches I thought I would get my moneys worth with the green tea and I sure did maximise that 50nt. But I guess that was why I was so wired. I think I drunk at least 6cups.
So any way I woke up feeling so tired and crappy and stumbled to the kitchen to whizz up my newly inspired morning smoothie. Newly inspired because I bought all these new ingredients from the 24hr shop and this was gonna be my healthiest smoothie yet.  It’s lychee season at the moment and they are so good the stone is pretty much non existence. I only had a half hour to take a shower, get dressed make breakfast, do my makeup and get my books together. So I stepped out of the shower realising my undies were in the washing machine. Our kitchen is lacking in plugs so the smoothie maker is sitting near the washing machine. In my haste I booted down the newly bought smoothie maker and all my breakfast and shards of glass dashed to the floor. FUCKKK echoed about the flat as I tried to maintain my towel covered dignity and scoop up the smoothie. I didn’t have time for this shit.
So I mop it all up and dash my towel in the washing machine only to hear the tinkle of glass hitting the bottom of the basin. I couldn’t leave it there otherwise someone could put a load on and then the washing machine break. This all ate into my makeup time so lets just say I looked like crap as I left the house for work.  I grabbed a cakey looking thing from the shop which on the outside looked delicious until I realised the inside was not chocolate but bloody red bean paste. My least favourite of all the bean pastes.
So I was completely pissed off teaching my class and of course that energy rubs off on the students who were equally as restless. The classes were poops. My saving grace was a flashy powerpoint game I made which was great. Then for some reason it just decided to break. The hyperlinks didn’t work and it fucking went to shit so we couldn’t play the game and they were all bummed out.
You know my day hasn’t really been that bad in retrospect some annoying stuff has happened it was just amplified but that fucking lady gaga song which now haven’t written about, has gotten stuck in my head again.  Plus it is sooo hot like sizzling hot. AAAARGH

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